Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pt 11 - The real puzzle begins

Valerie had spent a night in that dreadful place all alone. Oh my poor baby. I knew there was no way she could have killed Ash. Shea had been a lot of help through out this mess. He had made an appointment with the DA to talk about this case and they were actually going to talk to a judge together. Since it was a murder, they refused to let us to post bail but Shea was very good at his job. I could not let Valerie remain in police custody till trial. We had to do something. I followed Shea and the DA to the judge's chamber. Although I sat outside, I could hear them most of the time because voices got raised and the judge had to calm them down every other minute. These three men were very familiar with each other. The DA was hell bent on making sure that Valerie would not make bail but Shea pointed out that the evidence was not sufficient in this instance. So far, all the police had was a journal that Ash kept which referred to a meeting with Valerie on the day Ash was murdered. Valerie had told the police that the meeting never took place because she had a last minute change of heart about meeting Ashley. The police maintained that since she had not shown up at work or produced any alibi she must have gone down to North Carolina.
At the end of the meeting, the judge decided that the evidence did not hold enough water to keep Val in police custody. He decided that Val would be put under house arrest instead and set a bail.

Shea emerged from the room and handed me a piece of paper. 800 grand! Come on! How did that deranged asshole expect me to cough that? Shea was already on his phone before I could start the lamentation epistle he knew I was intent on. About half a minute later he was done. "That was Easy" Shea said "Told him about the bail and he is giving you 10grand, you don't have to pay him back, I will also give you 10 brah, you do not have to pay back either. Now all you need is to call my bondman and he will get Val out for 10% which is 80grand". I did not know how to thank these guys. They were closer than brothers for real. Did not want to ask anyone from Val's family and I really did not want to tell my parents about this just yet. I could afford another 40 grand right now if I stretched it. Ahhhh! This was such bad timing. I had most of my money tied up in investments. I did not have a choice. I called my mother anyway, she picked up after two rings. I proceeded to tell her about the entire episode. Thankfully she did not for one moment even consider the possibility that Val could be guilty. She agreed that it had to be a big misunderstanding. Let me call you back baby, she said. Less than 10minutes later she called back and asked me to come over to collect a 30grand check, an extra 10 since she knew I would use up all the money I had. Tears came to my eyes as I told her how much I appreciated her and my dad.

Yes I had the money together just needed to get my baby out of that nightmare as soon as I could. Shea was just a blessing all through. He made sure the process was hurried along and in a few hours Valerie was back home.

Val was visibly shaken and kept to herself. I had expected this and decided to let her rest while I went to my study to think things over. Apart from the GPS tracking device that was strapped around her ankle, she could do anything she wanted within the house so I figured she would be fine. I really had a lot of thinking to do as a matter of fact. I knew Val could not have killed Ashley, or could she have done it? I mean if Ashley had told her about her pregnancy it could have been possible that Val had accidentally hurt Ash in a rage. No, there was no evidence that she even met Ash in the first place. She had maintained that the meeting never took place and I believed her. But what about the lavish dinner she had prepared that night? Could it have actually a celebration of love or murder? Wait a minute; she might have hired somebody to kill Ash. "What is wrong with me?" I asked myself. Where did these insane ideas come from? My Valerie did not have it in her to get anyone killed. I had to get to the bottom of the mix up and I decided I that hiring a private detective might help. I would ask Shea before doing anything though. Being the experienced lawyer, he would know the best route to go.

Suddenly it dawned on me, in the midst of the confusion I had not stopped to consider the implication of this situation. Val now knew of my infidelity. I had a lot of explaining to do. I now understood why she had not said a word to me since she got back home. She would forgive me, I hoped. I mean if she accepted my marriage proposal, she would probably also accept my apology. I had to try.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Pt 10 - It gets crazy

Today was a very ordinary day. Nothing major was going on at the office. I had just gotten off the phone with a client who scheduled an appointment with me. I would be taking a detailed look at his file at some point before the appointment, but not now. I took sometime to marinate on the last few days. Ash was dead and no one had come asking any questions. I assumed the cops did have any reason to question me. Maybe they caught the killer, I told myself. That meant there would be no investigation coming my way. Easy had called Mr. Cross and explained the whole situation to him. He got worried about us when no body was brought to his pig farm as planned. The car we traveled in had been discarded of. Everything was pretty much taken care of. And yes I was now engaged. Val had said yes to me. I still felt guilty about proposing on the same day I discovered Ashley's dead body. But I was so emotional that day and it made sense at the time. It still made sense.

Once again the sadness of Ashley's death came back. I had cried some more the night I proposed to Val. While my woman slept, I stayed up thinking of Ash. Memories came back to mind. I even got confused at a point wondering why I was so sad. I mean I was going to do it myself but then I began to understand something about my relationship with Ash. Even though she hurt me and tried to do destroy my present relationship, I still felt something for that woman. We were a couple for quite a long time. Feelings like that do not just fade away. This was painful.

The phone snapped me out of my thoughts. A police officer is on the phone for you, my secretary announced. Cops I thought to myself, did they get on my trail? No, they would be here reading my Miranda rights to me and carrying me away in cuffs if that was the case. It was probably something else. I will take the call Julia, I replied.

Hello? I could swear it was Val's voice on the other end of the phone. Val! What's up, I asked? I got arrested a few hours ago Mannie. The police have been questioning me at the county head quarters and I finally saw the district court commissioner. They said there would be no bail because the charge is murder. Murder Mannie. Who would I kill? I would never kill anyone Mannie. Help me baby, I'm so scared. Murder? This was definitely a mix up. Val could not kill anyone. Whose murder? I will be right there baby I assured her. As I rushed out of my office, I called out to Julia, Cancel all my appointments for the rest of the day.

I was at the police station in less than 15 minutes. It was downtown not too far from where I worked. Shea was also on his way. Shea had advised me not to go to the detention center just yet since that would be futile since the commissioner had held Val without bail. I had called him on my way and told him that Val had been detained by the cops. I didn't get it and neither did he. Almost immediately after I entered into the lobby, Shea did too. He seemed like he was really familiar with this whole thing because he was asking after different officers by name. I want to see Sgt. Harper now, he demanded. He tried to calm me down assuring that it would be alright. No I could not loose my baby, no.

A tall stern looking officer emerged who I got to understand was Sgt. Harper. Shea had worked with this man on many occasions. Many of Shea's clients had included very wealthy individuals who had been accused of various crimes, murder amongst other things. This man did not like Shea at all. Shea also hated him from what I could see. Mannie this is Harper, the man to go to when there is a murder investigation in this town. This was no time to be polite I just nodded. And your friend, Harper said referring to Shea, is the man to go to when you want to get a murderer off the hook. Well innocent until proven guilty was Shea's reply. I did not have time for this old beef. Where the fuck is my girl friend mister? You have got to understand, this is out of my hands Mr. Peters, and the Sergeant began to explain. You see, the murder that Val is accused of committing occurred in North Carolina so this is not even my case. Your fiancée was picked up on an arrest warrant and charged as a fugitive from justice. And soon enough she will be extradited to North Carolina soon as she signs her waivers. Well what if she refuses to sign? I asked. Sgt Peters just smiled, Sir it is really just a formality to some extent. If she doesn't sign, the state of North Carolina will issue a governor's warrant to demand her extradition without her consent, there will be a hearing at the state capital. Bottom line is that she will end up in North Carolina. Just then another officer walked up to us. John Brown looked like a no nonsense cop. He went straight to the point. Your friend allegedly murdered a woman on my watch, in my city. And I intend to pursue this to the full extent of the law gentlemen. North Carolina? Yes he replied. Mr. Peters, call me Mannie I said, everyone calls me Mannie. Ok Mannie I have a few questions for you if you do not mind. Shea immediately interrupted, "Is Mr. Peters under investigation here?" Not at all Detective Brown replied, I simply want to establish the relationships here. I looked at Shea and he nodded me a go ahead and so I answered yes. Do you know Ms Ashley Okudoh and if you do, what was your relationship with Ms Okudoh? Once again Shea gave me the go ahead. She was my girl friend back in college and for a while after. Is Ashley alright I asked? Pretending like I was oblivious to her death. Hope there is nothing wrong with her. I still did not understand how Val fit into this equation though. I am sorry Mannie but your ex girlfriend is dead and we have reason to believe that your present girl friend murdered her. Val murdered Ash? My Val Murdered Ashley?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Pt 9 - Not the plan

I was totally unprepared for what I had just seen. Could she be dead? What was I thinking about? Of course she was dead. I mean the bullet hole in her head looked like it killed her. Oh shit Ashley was dead already. Someone killed her before we did. I started to hear police sirens from a distance, could they be coming here? Well I was not going to stick around long enough to find out. I dashed out of the house trying to be careful not to drop anything that belonged to me. Shea was still in front of the building ready to go because he had also heard the police sirens getting louder.

"What the hell happened in there Mannie?" Shea asked. I did not want to talk about it. Actually I wanted to talk about it, but I was not sure if I could understand it enough to talk about it. Ashley is dead Shea, she's dead. Well okay that went according to plan, Shea replied sarcastically. He was visibly pissed, he paused for a second and took a deep breath. "What happened to kidnapping her, what happened to the fucking plan?" Shea yelled at the top of his voice. "Why is she dead already?" "I don't know!" I shot back at him. I started to explain to Shea that she was dead before I got there. Somebody shot the Ashley before we got there. That news put a smile on Shea's face. Why are you smiling brah? This is serious. Shea's reply was simple. Somebody did the job for us, she obviously pissed someone else off, hopefully the trail will lead to that person and we will not get bothered with anything. That made some sense, infact that made a lot of sense. It would be like we were never there. But how come the cops got alerted of our presence? That didn't add up. I could almost swear that there was nothing suspicious about us being there. I did not break in since I had a key, so who called the cops? Many things were not adding up in this situation. This was not the time to start thinking about it. I just wanted to be home. I just wanted to be with Val.

We got back to Maryland way earlier than we had planned. Drove straight to Easy's lounge and sure as hell, he was surprised to see us. He immediately pointed to his office and we headed there. Minutes later, Easy was also in deep thought after we told him what happened. And he had the same exact questions that I had. Who capped Ash? Had she gotten into something dirty? Boyfriend problems? We had no idea. There was no sign of a break in, so whoever shot her must have been somebody she trusted and she let into her house. Just then Easy decided that it was probably not anything that we should worry about. Hopefully the trail would lead to the real killer and we would never be involved with an investigation. This was all too weird, the cops almost catching us, Ash getting a bullet in her head, too much to take in. We called it a night after a few drinks and I headed back home.

Tears began to flow as I drove. Here I was driving home and the woman that I once loved lay dead. The reality of this whole thing just hit me for the first time since I saw the body. Ash was dead, and with her my unborn child. I could not believe this was happening. I mean I was going to kill her, but maybe I would have been better prepared if I had done it myself and I would not feel like this. Bullshit, I still cared about that woman. There was a part of me that longed for her even after her betrayal. There was a part of my heart that Valerie had not occupied and could never. That part still belonged to Ash and today I saw her dead.

I drove into my garage and parked. I saw a couple of lights on and I figured that Val was in the house. I did not want her to see me in tears so I decided to take a few minutes to get myself together before heading inside. I wiped my face and entered into a house that greeted me with with a delightful aroma. Hmmm, someone had been doing some serious cooking. Val emerged from the kitchen and came over to kiss me, I took time to look at the feast on the table and the wine also caught my eyes. Château Rauzan-Gassies. Val knew me  too well . Not bad at all Troisièmes Crus, what were we celebrating? She has just been in Paris not too long ago so the wine probably came with her but this wine was quite old, this had to be a special occasion.

Ok love, what are we celebrating? If I forgot I am so sorry, I have been occupied with work and some other things that have been stressing me out, but.. Stop baby, she said in that soft voice. She led me to my seat and sat me down. As she dished out some food for me, she told me I hadn't forgotten anything. I just wanted to show how much I appreciate you baby. I had no idea I needed a big celebration to do that. But if it has to be, then yes, we are celebrating love. I love you so much baby. Hmmm this seemed a little extravagant for a nothing celebration. I decided to help her pour the wine. I got up and as I filled her glass the year of the wine caught my eyes, 95, baby are you sure we are not celebrating anything? I got the same answer accompanied with a laugh this time. Well, she insisted that I did not forget anything so I allowed myself to relax. As we ate I decided to take this opportunity to do something special. Since there was nothing to celebrate and this was a special feast anyway, I thought I would make it a real celebration. Baby I will be right back. I ran upstairs to my room, got the ring I bought about 3months ago and ran back to the table.

Baby I did not plan on doing it like this but I just thought this would be a good time, I got on my knees, Valerie my love will you marry me?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pt 8 - The 25TH

Shea and I had talked about the exact plans over and over again. We had paid a great deal of attention to every detail. Mr Crossifincco had been contacted by Easy. He was a real cool guy, always insisted on being called Cross. He had given us the keys to his North Carolina farm and had instructed his employees not to feed the biggest pigs for two days. They would be a bunch of big hungry beasts. They would be through the body within minutes. Any blood would be drained away with the rest of the pig blood from the slaughterhouse. Nothing could possibly go wrong. We were doing this mafia style.

I had not been able to meet with Shea the day before because he had had some out of state business to attend. Something work related he said. Now he was back and the time had come to handle this business once and for all. Six whole days of thinking and rethinking this grave sin and here it was. I had asked myself over and over again if we were going too far. At some point it felt like we were trying to kill a fly with a shot gun. What bothered me the most was not the crime we were about to commit but the cold attitude we had about it. It seemed like we lacked the basic emotions that made humanity less savage than animals. It was while I was thinking along those lines that I began to see my two closest friends in a new light and for the first time, I feared them. Yes, they loved me. They were doing this for me right? I mean a guy could not ask for better friends than friends who would be ready to even kill for you. I loved these guys. We were closer than brothers. But as cold as they were, would they be ready to kill me if a situation came to that? Even worse, would I be ever consider taking their lives? 

Enough! I had to stop with that kind of thinking. My mind was playing tricks on me. I simply blamed it on nerves and pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind.

Shea came to pick me up as planned and the trip began. I told Val that I had a meeting with Shea and I would be working with him till very late getting his legal advise on a very important portfolio. She was used to me working very late so she did not even give it a second thought. The journey was mainly silent with Shea trying to break the silence every now and then. I could tell that the silence did not sit to well with him because he started to play his Eminem CD. That brought a smile to my face because I could read him too well. When Shea was in a good mood, Jay Z was always his choice but Eminem was his rapper for when he was getting mad or irritated. This was when I decided to try to carry a conversation. We talked about the old days, back in Nigeria. We talked about the chics that we played and laughed at our youthful exuberance. The laughs started to come less frequently as we started talking about the darker days in University. Those were the days when, confraternities were at war and they were never good. Being a member of a Nigerian university confraternity was sometimes a step away from being dead.

During the dark days, everybody was an enemy. You would never sleep because you wanted to stay alive. It was during one of those days that Shea had shot a fellow student in cold blood. He had seen the man put his hand under his shirt like he was about to pull out a weapon. Shea thought the man was going to shoot me so he shoot first. Turned out there was no weapon. Well, it was Nigeria and we knew people in powerful circles. We were never even arrested. Thankfully our parents knew better and sent us to the US to complete our education. We would have both ended up like that young man. Many of our friends did.

We were now close to North Carolina and I was getting tense. I had a very sick feeling in my stomach; no I was not having second thoughts. It was just the regular feeling that came when I was about to pull off something big or very crazy. We paid all our tolls in cash and drove the speed limit the entire way. We could not risk getting pulled over because the car was stolen. But it would not be reported stolen for at least a week since the owner was overseas. Easy had arranged it. Yes we really planned this out. I spotted Ashley’s Escalade truck as we drove past her house. She was home and so we would not have wait for her to get home. I did a quick run down of the entire plan in my head to make sure we were not forgetting anything. And for the 147th time yes we were good. We parked close to the entrance of her building so we would not carry her a long way. Before I got out of the car, Shea asked me if I was okay. I told him I was fine. Shea stayed back in the car incase there was a need for a quick get away. I would go in alone.

I made my way to her apartment and I took a deep breath. I had her keys and I knew she never changed her locks after we broke up. Even though I had given her back her keys, I still had a copy I had made a while ago. I quietly opened the door after I had listened to make sure that there was no sound coming from inside. I then got out the bottle of desflurance I had in my pocket. I soaked a little piece of cloth with the poison that would paralyze Ash and made my way to her room. I opened the door and stood in shock! Oh God! What the fuck happened here?

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I looked at my wrist watch, 6:38pm.

I still had lots of time to kill before my meeting with Shea at 9pm. I had just made up my mind that Ashley's life was as good as over when Val interrupted my thoughts.

"Hey love", She said. "You look tired Mannie. What's the problem?" I had to lie to her, I said I was fine. And well, she had to believe it.

As she turned to walk away, her beauty struck me like it always did. I had to hold her back. "Baby, wait one second", I said holding her hands. As I rose to meet her lips, every thought of Ashley or my infidelity and even Shea all vanished. The rest of my world didn't matter. All that mattered was Val. As our kisses got even more passionate, my hands found their way under her tank top. Almost in a swift motion, I took her top off and our kisses got even more intense. I kissed away, her lips, ears, neck, everything about this woman deserved to be kissed. While I continued to caress her bare skin, my right hand found it's way and undid her bra. I could tell from the suprise in her eyes that she didn't even realise that two seconds later she did not have a bra on.

I wanted her and I wanted her right at that instant. Not that I could make it right, but something about pleasing this woman would make me feel a little better about my unfaithfullness. Her Jeans had been peeled off her sexy frame. Her white panties would be gone if she hadn't stopped me and made me undress first of all. I continued to kiss her, her nipples, licked, sucked, whatever, I just wanted her. I found my way between her legs and I gave her one look of mischief before I got down and occupied myself with the task of pleasuring her as well as I could.

"Oh Mannie" , she moaned loudly. That only put a smirk on my face but didn't slow me down. Tongue running over the most sensitive nerves in her body and hands on her breasts, I could tell she was about to blow up and some wickedness told me to stop.

"No no no don't stop please don't do this don't stop", she begged. But I had other plans and within seconds I was fully inside of her, ever last stiff inch of manly pride stuck up her essence. I banged away in a motion that only this pleasure could actuate, dirty word falling freely from my lips, she accepting everything I gave all too willingly, and finally we were both at that place where every cell in our bodies exploded in sweet orgasm.

Moments later, bodies all wet and tangled in a fierce cuddle on my living room floor, we both drifted to unconsciousness.

Beep beep beep beep, damn text message.

Message read "Dawg you better not be late, I have other shit to do tonight". Oh fuck no, time was 8:45 already? I simply got up and hurried out of the house leaving Val fast asleep. I would make it in time because the bar was only about 5miles away. I made it at exactly 9pm and sure enough Shea was there drinking what I would expect was his regular barcadi and coke.

"Long Island?" He offered, but no, I wanted to be cleared tonight.

"A Heineken will be just fine Easy." Easy was another Nigerian who lived in the area. He had become very good friends with us over the years. Back in our college days he had worked at the bar where we hung and when he opened his own little place, we followed faithfully.

Today, he had gotten real big. His bar was nothing like a regular bar. It was huge, packed with people every night. But this was not the reason why Shea picked Easy's place. I suspected that he wanted Easy to be part of whatever plan he was working on. You see, Easy could get you anything and everything. He knew so many people and was a very valuable person to have on your side. Moments later we were down to business inside of Easy's office, just the three of us. Shea told Easy everything about what had happened, then he said that it was a situation that needed to be handled. Easy listened keenly and let us know his stand.

"Mannie you know I got your back always bruh and you know I love Val, she the best thing that ever happened to you man and I won't let that bitch Ashley fuck it up".

Great, we were on the same page. Now Shea proposed his solution. "WE HAVE TO KILL ASH."

A very uneasy silence fell over the room but Shea didn't let it last long. "Look guys, we won't if you guys are gonna get all placcid on me but you both know Ash and you know she won't back down. Mannie if you want to save this thing you have with Val, your marriage and your future family, then we have to do this. The bitch fucked with with wrong nigga simple"

"So what exactly is the plan" Easy asked quietly?

Almost immediately I added "Well it has to be very clean and also make sure it won't be traced back to us".

Then Shea began, "The tracing part is the difficult part because she's carrying your DNA Mannie and the cops will definitely ask you questions. With cops snooping around and the possibility of you getting arrested, Val will find out and that defeats the entire purpose. Now we don't want any of that so we have to make her disappear. We cannot invite her down to Maryland because she might tell someone where she is going so that means that we have to go down to North Carolina."

"Now this is what I propose", Shea continued. "We'll go to her apartment, you know where she stays right?" Yes, I replied. "Then using some drug we will knock her out, no blood at all in her apartment. Easy, do you remember that Mafia guy that you made me represent like 3 years ago? Remember how he told us about how pigs could go through a human body in minutes if they were starved long enough?"

" Yes," Easy replied with his eyes all lit up. "He said hungry pigs would even go thru bones like butter and leave nothing".

" Well," continued Shea, "remember he owns a big pig farm in the outshirts of North Carolina? That's how we'll get rid of the body."

"But how will we kill her?" I asked.

"Nigga are you like joking or you just slow tonight? The chic will be knocked out, take your pick. You could shoot, choke whatever."

By the end of the meeting, we were all in agreement. Shea would get the car, Easy would talk to Mr Cross, his Mafia contact and I would make myself available. Only Shea and I would make the journey though. Three would be a crowd. A date was set, the 25th that was exactly 6 days away and the clock was ticking. I had a very sick feeling in my stomach, I had just agreed to a woman's death sentence. A woman that was carry my own blood.

The heart of man is deceitful and wicked above all things, those were words my mother told me as a kid when she preached God's word to me. Those were the days I still attended church frequently. And here I was about to take a life, again. How far away I had drifted from the part my sweet mother had always prayed I would follow. 

Six days to go.

Friday, April 1, 2011


It had been 3 weeks since my encounter with Ashley in my office. And now she had just confirmed my biggest fears. Ashley was carrying my baby. I knew her all too well to know there was no terminating this, she would have this baby. This would have been the happiest time in my life. The love of my life, Valerie, was also pregnant with my baby. She had told me the news three days ago and we were pretty excited about it. How would I deal with this situation? First person on my mind was Shea.

Shea didn't pick his phone up. It was not too strange considering that he had been working on some big case (he was always working on some big case with some big client). I left him a voice message telling him to call me to discuss an urget matter. He would probably have an idea what I needed to talk about.

Shea called me less than five minutes later while I was deep in thought. I was trying to decide if it would be best to go ahead with my marriage proposal to Valerie or just hold off till I was able to sort out this Ashley mess. I picked up the phone and in a minute I was done telling Shea everything about Ashley and also about Val's pregnancy.

"You know you don't want Ash messing up things between you and your woman", Shea thoughtfully pointed out. "Wow Shea, like that's Underwater basket weaving. DUH!! Shea, I believe we established that the very first time we spoke about this, about 2months ago if you remember?" I replied being smartly.

It was obvious Shea didn't like my tone and he let me know it. "Look Mannie I'm just trying to help." "I'm sorry brah", I appologised, "I'm just really stressed out by all these that's all."
"Mannie!" OK, I didn't like the sound in his voice just now, I knew that tone and it always meant something drastic is about to come.
"Mannie! Remember when I told you that we should be prepared to do anything? Like ANYTHING?"
I kind of knew this would come but I wasn't sure I would be ready when it did come.
I replied slowly, "yes I remember Shea and I also remember telling you that I was ready to do whatever it would take to save my relationship."
"Well Mannie, the bitch got to go."
"Go? What do you mean go? Go where?" But Shea was not in the mood to beat around the bush. "Mannie you know what I mean, Ash needs to be taken care of and we've got to do it ourselves. Mannie, meet me at Easy's bar tonight at 9pm, be prompt man."

As I hung up the phone I knew already that Ashley was as good as gone. And by gone I mean dead. Right now I was the only person standing between her and her maker. I had seen Shea murder a fellow brother who had "snitched" on our frat DON back in the day (In Nigeria). I knew he was ready to do it again. And me, it wasn't like I was a saint, I had blood on my has too. I had killed twice. Yes the second time was not really intentional, ok well, it was self defense because a war with rival frats had broken out on campus and I had to defend myself. Whatever it was, that was a time I had tried to totally put behind me and forget. Misguided youth who had made mistakes. I guess if I really wanted my relationship to work then Ash would have to meet the same fate as those two men. Poor girl, she fucked with the wrong nigga. 

Like I said, whatever it would take to spend the rest of my life happily with Valerie. I felt my heart get real cold.


Life had been normal for about a month now. I was even beginning to think that I had over reacted with the Ashley thing. Come on, Ashley is not the Devil even if she wears Prada (corny right?). It was about 7pm and I had another long day at work. As sank I deeper into my chair I thought to myself, It's crazy how many wealthy people have no clue what a good financial plan could do for them. Well, their ignorace is my gain. Just had about 35 grand wired to my account just for spending a couple of hours with some wealthy young athlete, planning a solid financial strategy for him. Damn I'm good. I knew I did a good job for him. He would see result within the next couple months and over the long term. That's why I loved my job, I actually believed in what I did and there were always results.
What would make today even more perfect? Hmm a late dinner with Valerie perhaps. I hadn't seen her since she returned from Paris. She had been overseas for about a week for a company conference. I would prepare a surprise dinner and ask her to come over. I felt warm feelings in my stomach as I thought about Ashley.

Wait! There was someone at my doorway? The shadow distracted me from my thoughts and as I took a better looked, my perfect day totally faded. 
"ASHLEY! FUCK are you doing here, who let you in?" My voice was colder than ever.
"Mannie, that's no way to say hi to your loving ex. How are you doing sweetheart?"
"Look Ashley, what do you want? I do not have all day, I have a late meeting in a few minutes and I have to head out very soon," I lied.

Yo Mannie, take it easy nigga. I was in the neighbourhood and I thought I would drop in to say hi. You always work late anyway. You work too hard and you should slow down."
Oh I could read this woman perfectly. I watched her every step as she drew closer to meet me behind my desk. I had that smile on my face that said let's do this, gosh I got issues. As she turned around to sit on my lap, in a well timed move, I pushed myself out of the way. LMAO! She fell on her butt. HAHAHAHAHAHA who's the Devil now? I could be full of mischief when I wanted to be. I couldn't help it, I had to laugh and I laughed real hard. Anger in her eyes, she spun around. 

"Mannie I'm in town because I had a doctor's appointment earlier on today. Just thought I'd drop in to say hi. Good night mister, but believe me I'll be back." 

With that, she was out the door and gone. Doctor's appointment? Could she be? No!! It can't be. Every successful deal I had closed this past week meant absolutely nothing. Celebration cancelled. This bitch is playing with my mind. All I could do was wait.

This was one of those nights when I could not enjoy driving my car. I turned my phone off. I just wanted to get home and sleep. Oh sweet sleep......

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


.........."Oh Mannie you're so screwed. Tiff told me that Ashley has been mad at you for months now. She said the first time she saw you and Valerie together she was talking all kinds of shit about how you could have done better and all that. Then when she heard that you bought a new house, as much as she tried to hide it, she seemed majorly upset about it. But what totally fucked her up was your new whip. She saw you driving your benz some weeks ago and that was when she exploded. According to Tiff, Ashley believes that you played her. She said you were pretending to not be financially stable. Then after you guys broke up, you waited barely four months and hooked up with the new girl and now you showing off all these good things. Shawtie feels that she invested time with you and I believe she's trying to collect her dues. Nothing a woman hates than seeing her ex doing way better after he leaves her"

I listened to all Shea told me in absolute disbelief.

"This bitch don lost her damn mind yo. Shea are you serious about all these or you just playing?"

" Mannie, I'm not about to play with something like this. If that bitch made you fuck her like you said and you did it without, dude I think someone's going to be telling you about her missed period real soon."

Oh my God, this can't be good. Just when things started going so well. All I needed to do was use my head for a few minute but no. I just had to let Junior do the thinking for me.

"So Shea what should I do bro? I' confused as hell right now." Shea thought for a minute, "Ok first things first, I know your dumb ass is probably planning a confession to Val, well forget it, Val is never going to find out about this and you ain't telling her shit aiight?"

I didn't want to hide something so big from Val, "But if I don't tell her and she finds out?"

"She is not finding out Mannie, plus we are not even sure if Ashley is really trying to do this crazy shit so let's just watch and see. If she tries something stupid, then we'll know how to handle the broad. Anyways dawg I really need to get back to my research cause I have a 10am meeting with my client. But make sure you keep me posted aiight?"

"I will Shea, you're the best. Thanks."

As I hung up the phone, my mind was racing. I was way more disturbed now than I was before calling Shea. There were so many things I wanted to do, so many things I had to do. But one thing I had to definately do was to hold off on that marriage proposal. Looks like Val would not be getting her beautiful ring as soon as I thought she would. I had to hold that off, at least till I was sure this nonsense was over with. Just as I finally nodded off, last thought on my mind is Val. How I loved her. I wouldn't want a family with anyone else but her. Deep within I knew for sure I would do anything to keep my relationship. WHATEVER IT WOULD TAKE. Having known Shea for more than 16 years, I knew his plan could involve some drastic measures.

But I love Valerie so much. I'll do whatever it takes.

Pt 3 - SHEA

"Sweet heart?" Her voice piercing my soul.
"You know when you said we would be open to eachother about everything? "
My mind is racing, what is she talking about? Oh no, that bitch didn't tell Valerie about our little mistake in my basement.
Cautiously I answered, "yes baby I remember." "Well Mannie, I just need you tell me the truth about something. Please do not lie to me." By this time I was so sweaty that I could barely keep my grip on the phone receiver.
"Well errr... well what is it?"
Gosh was I stuttering? What an idiot. I probably just gave myself away.
"Well Mannie, when you looked in the mirror this morning, didn't you kinda feel you needed a hair cut? Because baby you look like a bum. I mean I know you think you could rock that fro thing but it's not for you baby. I really think you should cut your hair. You look all sexy and mature when your hair is neat and low."
That's it? That's what you got me all worked up for? At that point, all I could do was breath a sigh of relief... "Aiight love, I'll go get a hair cut tomorrow. But I really wanted to grow my hair back and start braiding it again like I used to do back in college. My baby comes first so I will cut it for you."
"Ok thanks Mannie." That voice, oh that voice. So innocent, so loving, so so Gosh. And me? So undeserving of anything she gives to me, what a dog. I had to talk to someone about this. Shea, yea he would give me good advice.
Shea and I had become real close friends back in College. He could be described as a man whore. Anything about women, ask Shea. Wait a min, why ask Shea about something that concerns love? What would he know? But then Shea was not just my friend, he was also my fraternity brother from back in Nigeria. We had been members of a secret group known as the Black knives before we left Nigeria and coincidentally we both ended up at The University of Maryland in College Park. I would call him up.
After saying goodnight to Val, I looked through my address book. There...Shea and I dialed.
"Mannie !!!!!! The Boy fucking Wonder, Mannie freshazamiz himself? How the fuck you been dawg?"
" I'm aiight bro, look I know it's late and everything but..."
"You bet your ass it's late, it's fuckn 4am but I've been up for about an hour working on this huge case. Rich ass client got himself in some trouble with the law, but you know I'm the best, I'll get him out."
"Yea Shea you are the best. That's why I called you. Need advice man."
"Mannie you sound like you just had your dick chopped off. What's up?"
"It's that ex of mine. She's about to ruin me. Ok she came to my house and well you know shit led to shit and I fucked her."
"Well so, you fucked her big deal. Hope you kicked the bitch out afterwards, cheating ho."
(*Look who's calling another a cheating ho*)
"Nah Shea, I didn't kick her out but that's not the problem, I nutted in the bitch yo and I fucked her "without", brah ! I fucked the bitch without."
"And you think she's pregnant? Oh Mannie Mannie Mannie, you worry too much, she's probably on pills, WAIT A MIN....Oh shit I just remembered something. Mannie bruv, this ain't good. This can't be good. You might be in some shit dawg. You remember your ex's best friend Tiff? Well I hooked up with her like 2 weeks ago. Well we were talking and you came up in the conversation. And bruv it wasn't good. "
"Yo Shea slow down now.. What did she say?" "Well she said that your ex, Ashley, had told her that....................................