Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pt 8 - The 25TH

Shea and I had talked about the exact plans over and over again. We had paid a great deal of attention to every detail. Mr Crossifincco had been contacted by Easy. He was a real cool guy, always insisted on being called Cross. He had given us the keys to his North Carolina farm and had instructed his employees not to feed the biggest pigs for two days. They would be a bunch of big hungry beasts. They would be through the body within minutes. Any blood would be drained away with the rest of the pig blood from the slaughterhouse. Nothing could possibly go wrong. We were doing this mafia style.

I had not been able to meet with Shea the day before because he had had some out of state business to attend. Something work related he said. Now he was back and the time had come to handle this business once and for all. Six whole days of thinking and rethinking this grave sin and here it was. I had asked myself over and over again if we were going too far. At some point it felt like we were trying to kill a fly with a shot gun. What bothered me the most was not the crime we were about to commit but the cold attitude we had about it. It seemed like we lacked the basic emotions that made humanity less savage than animals. It was while I was thinking along those lines that I began to see my two closest friends in a new light and for the first time, I feared them. Yes, they loved me. They were doing this for me right? I mean a guy could not ask for better friends than friends who would be ready to even kill for you. I loved these guys. We were closer than brothers. But as cold as they were, would they be ready to kill me if a situation came to that? Even worse, would I be ever consider taking their lives? 

Enough! I had to stop with that kind of thinking. My mind was playing tricks on me. I simply blamed it on nerves and pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind.

Shea came to pick me up as planned and the trip began. I told Val that I had a meeting with Shea and I would be working with him till very late getting his legal advise on a very important portfolio. She was used to me working very late so she did not even give it a second thought. The journey was mainly silent with Shea trying to break the silence every now and then. I could tell that the silence did not sit to well with him because he started to play his Eminem CD. That brought a smile to my face because I could read him too well. When Shea was in a good mood, Jay Z was always his choice but Eminem was his rapper for when he was getting mad or irritated. This was when I decided to try to carry a conversation. We talked about the old days, back in Nigeria. We talked about the chics that we played and laughed at our youthful exuberance. The laughs started to come less frequently as we started talking about the darker days in University. Those were the days when, confraternities were at war and they were never good. Being a member of a Nigerian university confraternity was sometimes a step away from being dead.

During the dark days, everybody was an enemy. You would never sleep because you wanted to stay alive. It was during one of those days that Shea had shot a fellow student in cold blood. He had seen the man put his hand under his shirt like he was about to pull out a weapon. Shea thought the man was going to shoot me so he shoot first. Turned out there was no weapon. Well, it was Nigeria and we knew people in powerful circles. We were never even arrested. Thankfully our parents knew better and sent us to the US to complete our education. We would have both ended up like that young man. Many of our friends did.

We were now close to North Carolina and I was getting tense. I had a very sick feeling in my stomach; no I was not having second thoughts. It was just the regular feeling that came when I was about to pull off something big or very crazy. We paid all our tolls in cash and drove the speed limit the entire way. We could not risk getting pulled over because the car was stolen. But it would not be reported stolen for at least a week since the owner was overseas. Easy had arranged it. Yes we really planned this out. I spotted Ashley’s Escalade truck as we drove past her house. She was home and so we would not have wait for her to get home. I did a quick run down of the entire plan in my head to make sure we were not forgetting anything. And for the 147th time yes we were good. We parked close to the entrance of her building so we would not carry her a long way. Before I got out of the car, Shea asked me if I was okay. I told him I was fine. Shea stayed back in the car incase there was a need for a quick get away. I would go in alone.

I made my way to her apartment and I took a deep breath. I had her keys and I knew she never changed her locks after we broke up. Even though I had given her back her keys, I still had a copy I had made a while ago. I quietly opened the door after I had listened to make sure that there was no sound coming from inside. I then got out the bottle of desflurance I had in my pocket. I soaked a little piece of cloth with the poison that would paralyze Ash and made my way to her room. I opened the door and stood in shock! Oh God! What the fuck happened here?

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