Thursday, April 7, 2011


I looked at my wrist watch, 6:38pm.

I still had lots of time to kill before my meeting with Shea at 9pm. I had just made up my mind that Ashley's life was as good as over when Val interrupted my thoughts.

"Hey love", She said. "You look tired Mannie. What's the problem?" I had to lie to her, I said I was fine. And well, she had to believe it.

As she turned to walk away, her beauty struck me like it always did. I had to hold her back. "Baby, wait one second", I said holding her hands. As I rose to meet her lips, every thought of Ashley or my infidelity and even Shea all vanished. The rest of my world didn't matter. All that mattered was Val. As our kisses got even more passionate, my hands found their way under her tank top. Almost in a swift motion, I took her top off and our kisses got even more intense. I kissed away, her lips, ears, neck, everything about this woman deserved to be kissed. While I continued to caress her bare skin, my right hand found it's way and undid her bra. I could tell from the suprise in her eyes that she didn't even realise that two seconds later she did not have a bra on.

I wanted her and I wanted her right at that instant. Not that I could make it right, but something about pleasing this woman would make me feel a little better about my unfaithfullness. Her Jeans had been peeled off her sexy frame. Her white panties would be gone if she hadn't stopped me and made me undress first of all. I continued to kiss her, her nipples, licked, sucked, whatever, I just wanted her. I found my way between her legs and I gave her one look of mischief before I got down and occupied myself with the task of pleasuring her as well as I could.

"Oh Mannie" , she moaned loudly. That only put a smirk on my face but didn't slow me down. Tongue running over the most sensitive nerves in her body and hands on her breasts, I could tell she was about to blow up and some wickedness told me to stop.

"No no no don't stop please don't do this don't stop", she begged. But I had other plans and within seconds I was fully inside of her, ever last stiff inch of manly pride stuck up her essence. I banged away in a motion that only this pleasure could actuate, dirty word falling freely from my lips, she accepting everything I gave all too willingly, and finally we were both at that place where every cell in our bodies exploded in sweet orgasm.

Moments later, bodies all wet and tangled in a fierce cuddle on my living room floor, we both drifted to unconsciousness.

Beep beep beep beep, damn text message.

Message read "Dawg you better not be late, I have other shit to do tonight". Oh fuck no, time was 8:45 already? I simply got up and hurried out of the house leaving Val fast asleep. I would make it in time because the bar was only about 5miles away. I made it at exactly 9pm and sure enough Shea was there drinking what I would expect was his regular barcadi and coke.

"Long Island?" He offered, but no, I wanted to be cleared tonight.

"A Heineken will be just fine Easy." Easy was another Nigerian who lived in the area. He had become very good friends with us over the years. Back in our college days he had worked at the bar where we hung and when he opened his own little place, we followed faithfully.

Today, he had gotten real big. His bar was nothing like a regular bar. It was huge, packed with people every night. But this was not the reason why Shea picked Easy's place. I suspected that he wanted Easy to be part of whatever plan he was working on. You see, Easy could get you anything and everything. He knew so many people and was a very valuable person to have on your side. Moments later we were down to business inside of Easy's office, just the three of us. Shea told Easy everything about what had happened, then he said that it was a situation that needed to be handled. Easy listened keenly and let us know his stand.

"Mannie you know I got your back always bruh and you know I love Val, she the best thing that ever happened to you man and I won't let that bitch Ashley fuck it up".

Great, we were on the same page. Now Shea proposed his solution. "WE HAVE TO KILL ASH."

A very uneasy silence fell over the room but Shea didn't let it last long. "Look guys, we won't if you guys are gonna get all placcid on me but you both know Ash and you know she won't back down. Mannie if you want to save this thing you have with Val, your marriage and your future family, then we have to do this. The bitch fucked with with wrong nigga simple"

"So what exactly is the plan" Easy asked quietly?

Almost immediately I added "Well it has to be very clean and also make sure it won't be traced back to us".

Then Shea began, "The tracing part is the difficult part because she's carrying your DNA Mannie and the cops will definitely ask you questions. With cops snooping around and the possibility of you getting arrested, Val will find out and that defeats the entire purpose. Now we don't want any of that so we have to make her disappear. We cannot invite her down to Maryland because she might tell someone where she is going so that means that we have to go down to North Carolina."

"Now this is what I propose", Shea continued. "We'll go to her apartment, you know where she stays right?" Yes, I replied. "Then using some drug we will knock her out, no blood at all in her apartment. Easy, do you remember that Mafia guy that you made me represent like 3 years ago? Remember how he told us about how pigs could go through a human body in minutes if they were starved long enough?"

" Yes," Easy replied with his eyes all lit up. "He said hungry pigs would even go thru bones like butter and leave nothing".

" Well," continued Shea, "remember he owns a big pig farm in the outshirts of North Carolina? That's how we'll get rid of the body."

"But how will we kill her?" I asked.

"Nigga are you like joking or you just slow tonight? The chic will be knocked out, take your pick. You could shoot, choke whatever."

By the end of the meeting, we were all in agreement. Shea would get the car, Easy would talk to Mr Cross, his Mafia contact and I would make myself available. Only Shea and I would make the journey though. Three would be a crowd. A date was set, the 25th that was exactly 6 days away and the clock was ticking. I had a very sick feeling in my stomach, I had just agreed to a woman's death sentence. A woman that was carry my own blood.

The heart of man is deceitful and wicked above all things, those were words my mother told me as a kid when she preached God's word to me. Those were the days I still attended church frequently. And here I was about to take a life, again. How far away I had drifted from the part my sweet mother had always prayed I would follow. 

Six days to go.

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