Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pt 11 - The real puzzle begins

Valerie had spent a night in that dreadful place all alone. Oh my poor baby. I knew there was no way she could have killed Ash. Shea had been a lot of help through out this mess. He had made an appointment with the DA to talk about this case and they were actually going to talk to a judge together. Since it was a murder, they refused to let us to post bail but Shea was very good at his job. I could not let Valerie remain in police custody till trial. We had to do something. I followed Shea and the DA to the judge's chamber. Although I sat outside, I could hear them most of the time because voices got raised and the judge had to calm them down every other minute. These three men were very familiar with each other. The DA was hell bent on making sure that Valerie would not make bail but Shea pointed out that the evidence was not sufficient in this instance. So far, all the police had was a journal that Ash kept which referred to a meeting with Valerie on the day Ash was murdered. Valerie had told the police that the meeting never took place because she had a last minute change of heart about meeting Ashley. The police maintained that since she had not shown up at work or produced any alibi she must have gone down to North Carolina.
At the end of the meeting, the judge decided that the evidence did not hold enough water to keep Val in police custody. He decided that Val would be put under house arrest instead and set a bail.

Shea emerged from the room and handed me a piece of paper. 800 grand! Come on! How did that deranged asshole expect me to cough that? Shea was already on his phone before I could start the lamentation epistle he knew I was intent on. About half a minute later he was done. "That was Easy" Shea said "Told him about the bail and he is giving you 10grand, you don't have to pay him back, I will also give you 10 brah, you do not have to pay back either. Now all you need is to call my bondman and he will get Val out for 10% which is 80grand". I did not know how to thank these guys. They were closer than brothers for real. Did not want to ask anyone from Val's family and I really did not want to tell my parents about this just yet. I could afford another 40 grand right now if I stretched it. Ahhhh! This was such bad timing. I had most of my money tied up in investments. I did not have a choice. I called my mother anyway, she picked up after two rings. I proceeded to tell her about the entire episode. Thankfully she did not for one moment even consider the possibility that Val could be guilty. She agreed that it had to be a big misunderstanding. Let me call you back baby, she said. Less than 10minutes later she called back and asked me to come over to collect a 30grand check, an extra 10 since she knew I would use up all the money I had. Tears came to my eyes as I told her how much I appreciated her and my dad.

Yes I had the money together just needed to get my baby out of that nightmare as soon as I could. Shea was just a blessing all through. He made sure the process was hurried along and in a few hours Valerie was back home.

Val was visibly shaken and kept to herself. I had expected this and decided to let her rest while I went to my study to think things over. Apart from the GPS tracking device that was strapped around her ankle, she could do anything she wanted within the house so I figured she would be fine. I really had a lot of thinking to do as a matter of fact. I knew Val could not have killed Ashley, or could she have done it? I mean if Ashley had told her about her pregnancy it could have been possible that Val had accidentally hurt Ash in a rage. No, there was no evidence that she even met Ash in the first place. She had maintained that the meeting never took place and I believed her. But what about the lavish dinner she had prepared that night? Could it have actually a celebration of love or murder? Wait a minute; she might have hired somebody to kill Ash. "What is wrong with me?" I asked myself. Where did these insane ideas come from? My Valerie did not have it in her to get anyone killed. I had to get to the bottom of the mix up and I decided I that hiring a private detective might help. I would ask Shea before doing anything though. Being the experienced lawyer, he would know the best route to go.

Suddenly it dawned on me, in the midst of the confusion I had not stopped to consider the implication of this situation. Val now knew of my infidelity. I had a lot of explaining to do. I now understood why she had not said a word to me since she got back home. She would forgive me, I hoped. I mean if she accepted my marriage proposal, she would probably also accept my apology. I had to try.

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